VW_Laura on The Old Couch

Posted by: VW_Laura and (hubby) ex_po2001

Sep 8, 2002

Hello to all our VW friends. We had a few busy weeks lately, but now, we're back "in business". Hope you all enjoy this pictorial. Whilewaiting for friends (at their recording studio in NY) ex_po couldn't resist the temptation to take a few shots of me on that old couch. Since he is always equiped with (at least one) camera and a superb vision, he managed to turn this recording studio's waiting area, into a "photo studio". Looking at the results, I believe I've added a "little" to setting too :o)

Recent Comments for VW_Laura on The Old Couch (1)
  • I just bought a new couch, it need to be dee-viringin' you be of ASSistance!?!?!?!