Buffy's EE Ball Adventure 1

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Nov 21, 1999

Buffy and Spike went to the Exotic Erotic Ball. There were many interesting bodies to behold. The mostly all punk, nihilist, deafeningly loud bands SUCKED...bigtime, except for "War." Too many lurking, groping, leering men without costumes inside - and insult screaming, right-wing, so-called "Christians" (would you believe it?) on the outside. A very interesting experience in contrasts. After many years of fun and frolic, the excesses are destroying this once wondrous event. A costumes and couples only requirement would help. You guys should take over this event and it would improve a hundred fold!. There were, notwithstanding, many flowers among the trash. Here is Buff and some of the beautiful people. The pick of four rolls will follow if you'd like.

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