Posted by:

Apr 22, 2000

Hi Kate, Asher, Peeper, Jerry & gang....Sergeant Natalie put on her dress greens and ordered the troops to march...Hump, two, three, four...then fall into formation for a "short-arm" inspection..hehe..she really does enjoy serving her "Cunt" -ry...hehe.....thanks for providing such a great website..hugs, sweet kisses & hot licks to all the loyal voyeurs...

Recent Comments for NATALIE ARMY SERGEANT (1)
  • OMG, Nat; you've been doing this for a long, long time. The ink on your right cheek verifies it is the ONE, the ONLY Natalie. I'm intrigued by who the photographer is that catches your zany performances, and whether you or s/he cums up with costumes, staging, etc. Have you turned down modeling contracts? This set could recruit me!