
Posted by: Dee

Apr 20, 2000

Heya again -- Well comments on the last few sets have been down, so I guess I've lost my touch! I think this set will be my last one for a wee while! The story behind these shots is kinda funny, I trimmed my pussy right back to a number on with the clippers, and had a nice wee stripe going along the lips, but I decided it needed to be wider up the center... so each week I was trimming it into shape and I had it going along nicely, when one night I slipped while trimming it, and carved a hole through the middle, so I had to start all over! The pink skirt I brought to wear on a hot date when I was in Ohio in September last year, however I ended up leaving it in the suitcase, so to this day, I've never worn it in public! Also I had requests for shots of me on my belly and one licking (well, trying to lick) my nipple... hope you enjoy, commets and requests always adored! *blows a kiss*

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