double deeeee's winter wardrobe

Posted by: Dee

May 5, 2000

heya gang! I like to have a 'theme' going in my shots, and normally only submit shots done in a series, but today I thought I'd go for something new -- so here is a group of shots that although I liked, I didn't have enough for a whole series. But winter is on its way here in NZ so I've combined a few shots of me in (and on my way out of) some of my new winter wardrobe, I've even included a face pic, sorry blurred though -- the last shot would be much better if I could zoom this freaking cam, or if I had a photographer instead of doing it myself, and the purple g-string matches the bra but the lighting made it darker -- excuses, excuses I know, but please give me credit for trying!!! I have been working on a series for the wet body theme, but with only a web cam its abit difficult bringing the wet to the cam rather than the other way about! I splashed water on my keyboard with this afternoons effort and it got all sticky! (not a new senstation for some of you I'm sure!). (blows kisses)

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