Merci in Hawaii

Posted by: Merci & Cam

Aug 14, 2002

We are back from our vacation now *boo hooo* but have loads of pictures to share with you. Hmmmm I don't think my parents had this big of an audience when they would show their friends slides of their vacation…. (mental picture of my parents taking these pictures… ewwwww – they don't that stuff do they?). The first day we were here we managed to find a really cute adult store with loads of clothes and toys. We spent probably an hour and a half in there and one of our purchases was this really cute and sheer hibiscus print cover up and bikini bottoms. The day wasn't very bright, lots of clouds, but hey! We made the best of it. We enjoy the nice comments and try to say hi back to everyone we can. Have a wonderful day and hope your vacations are as fun as ours was….. Aloha

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