Sunny Day At Home

Posted by: Sunny

Dec 11, 2003

I said I would be going to Sunny's house one day a week to try to melt her ice cold attitude. So far, I am a man of my word. Sunny and I are becoming semi-close friends now. Finally, we can kick back and not feel akward sharing moments of silence. Sunny let me come over after work this imparticular evening. The sun was going down outside, and there was a cold night to come. Sunny has seemed to mature a bit since I've known her. She is always bold and beautiful, but there was something about her that evening that was unusual. She had this glow to her. She wasn't in the bad mood she's usually in...but she wasn't happy either. Here are some pics of Sunny deep in thought. No matter what her mood, I can never be bored when I'm with her.

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