Mall Hottie Brooke'S Perfect Ass

Posted by: Brooke

Jan 11, 2004

Every night as I walk out of the mall, I look in the music store to see if Skyye is working. I like walking with her out to her car. Retail Hell had been slow lately, and I needed some more action. On this day Skyye wasn't working, but something els caught my eye. Everybody, meet Brooke. Brooke was just a customer that day, but I've known her for a long time. Her and I went to the same highschool, and although we were never really good friends, we did hang out with the same people. Kristin comes to mind. If I were walking in the halls, and heard her say hello, I felt so lucky. You can imagine that taking these pics was a highpoint in my life. I could only dream of sleeping with her when I was back in highschool, and now she's giving me all the right moves. I will never give away my secrets on how to make it happen, but let's just say, it did take a very very long time. Good to see my game is going up a notch.

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