Lexi Black Bra And Panties

Posted by: Lexi

Jun 11, 2003

I buy way too many clothes which is funny since I only tend to wear a handful of outfits in any given month. Most days, I lounge around in a t-shirt and sweats, and if I put cut-offs on, I feel like I am dressing up. Staying at David's, the only reason I bother to get dressed some mornings is if I have to answer the door for the UPS guy. David im'd me from work yesterday and thought he'd be cute by asking what I was wearing. I teased him a bit by saying I had a black bra and panties on, which was true (though I was actually dressed over them). So when he got home, he demanded to see, and the following photos ensued. I figure with him letting me stay here, and all the work he has been putting in on our website, I should throw him a bone... :)

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