Romance At Rainbow'S End

Posted by: Romance

Sep 11, 2003

Hi Kate and Crew! Wouldn't you know it, we were driving around looking for a good new place to take a few pics, and it started raining.... no, make that POURING!!! When the rain let up some, and the setting sun started to come out, this HUGE rainbow appeared in the sky! And then ANOTHER one right over it... and they kept getting brighter and brighter, and eventually were so bright that they looked to be white-hot!! We were on a street that is on a hill behind some office complexes, and there wasn't anyone else around... we just couldn't resist the photo opportunity!! So... these shots are the results of being in the right place at the right time.... If you go looking for a Pot of Gold at the end of a Rainbow... you never know what you might find!!! From Rainbow's End... Romance and TheStone

Recent Comments for Romance At Rainbow'S End (1)
  • Is anyone up for sex? blush: