*GK Lora and Anya, Kissing Boobs

Posted by: gentlegentleman1

May 30, 2002

Hiya Kate, Jerry, Sailor, Asher, Voyette and Crew! Well, we are finally sending in a new set. I know I'm long overdue but it's been a busy year. I'm introducing a new friend to VW. Leo and I were talking and we wanted to do a set for the Girls Kiss Girls Boobs contest. We tried to think of who to ask to pose with and I decided to ask our dear friend Anya. We weren't sure what her reaction was going to be but she giggled and said it sounded fun! This is her first time posting any nude pics of herself on the web, so she's a little nervous. Can't wait to read all your comments. Watch for more pics from me soon in EIP and Red Clouds. Kisses,

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