Flashingal Hunt 4

Posted by: K&B

Aug 6, 2002

Thank you for all the wonderful coments on my first three hunt contris. Keep them cumming everybody. Three more scavenger hunt dares here. First are the border shots: between Illinois and Missouri. Now, the actual border is in the middle of the river, and you can't stand there...and there's no sign anyway. So we caught some shots at the welcome sign on the Illinois side and the welcome sign on the Missouri side (the show-me-state) Sounds like an invitation to me. hehe. Next is the large body of water, the Mississippi River. I love giving the barge boys a show whenever I can. And last we have the Taxi cab. I would like to think we gave the driver a thrill he won't soon forget. You can see him in one pic telling a friend about his adventure on his cell phone. What fun that was!!! Stay tuned for #5 Kisses,

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