Cleaning My Kat

Posted by: Mandy

Aug 3, 2002

All I can say is, "Wow". For all of the overwhelming compliments that you guys have been giving me and the girls. We really appreciate it. This set of photos was taken of my very close friend Kat in a hotel on our way to Palm Springs, California. The tub was pretty big (big enough for 3 actually), and I think that Kat was hinting to something when she hopped in. But instead of jumping in immediately I decided to grab my camera, and take a few hot pics. Just like me to always be thinking of a photo op. Dont't worry though, I did get in, and had a chance to clean my dirty little kitty Kat. LOL. Hugs and Kisses,

Recent Comments for Cleaning My Kat (1)
  • Beautiful! I hope she is well and beautiful 15 years later.