NewEnglandWife, Blinded by The Light

Posted by: Luckystiff and NewEnglandWife

Oct 24, 2002

Hello all, NEW and I just returned from a week-end up the coast of Maine where we celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. These shots were sort of spur of the moment when the sun woke us up streaming thru the blinds. I had to tell you that to explain the absence of full face shots...(pre-make up). I know they might all be the same kind of shots, but I clicked them off quick so we could capture the early morning light....and then go back to bed, (after all we WERE celebrating)...Check out our Freestyle contri coming up soon to see where we spent the rest of the week!

Recent Comments for NewEnglandWife, Blinded by The Light (1)
  • Superb shadowplay with I could be your other lucky ilick2lick dude!!!!!