Bliss Thru the Looking Glass

Posted by: Bliss

Oct 22, 2002

Hello to everyone in Kate's VW Land! Summer is officially over, and with it the cookouts, weekend get-togethers, and Tribe time at Jacob's field. I found this sexy little bra a couple of months ago, but the afore mentioned kept us busy. Now the weather has grown colder and we've returned to our favorite indoor sport, erotic photography. I decided it would be fun to do something with this old cheval mirror a friend bought for me a couple of years ago. Posing in front of it, I felt romantic and sexy. Jim asked what we should call this set? It seemed obvious, and suited to the whimsical pictures, to title it "Through the Looking glass". I hope you like them, and that some of you who've been sending me mail asking what happened to me will be happy to know that we were just on summer hiatus…LOL. For those of you with Red clouds access, the more "fantastic" pics will be posted there. Licks and kisses…..

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