Posted by: VW

Jan 20, 1998

#P1663- Honey II Hello Kate, Again I would love to congradulate you, and all that are involved, for such a great site! Please!!! Everyone out there, Click on the banners! Could you amagine the world wide web without Kate? Story: I'd like to thank everyone that wrote comments to my wife. You made more photos possible.She's even starting to flash in public :-) I call these my Blue Series because some moron at the photo lab turned them all blue. I have 10 more of them but will only send them to Kate if people ask me to on the BB. I don't want to be sending photos that no one wants to see.That would only waste Kates time. He's busy enough posting all the other beautifull women. Hope everyone enjoys these.As long as I keep getting good responces, I'll keep sending more. P

Recent Comments for (1)
  • Great body and killer smile, thanks for the mammaries, honey, where are you now!?!?!?!