My Mandy

Posted by:

Jul 25, 1999

Hello All, My wife and I are long time viewers, decided it was time to show our gratitude, your site was the reason we bought a computer. She is 30 years old and the of three children. These were taken by a professional photographer that we had never seen before these were taken.he thought she was there for Glamour Shots. Needless to say, he got into his work. This are but a few of many,she changed into and out of several different outfits that day. She is hesitant about sending these but has given permission to send more of if response is good. This is "My Mandy", please title as such and place in private shots. Many thanks. PS Our mail server will only allow us to send 2 attachments per email. You will find 2 more from us. Sorry for the inconvinience.

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