Hot and Sweet! Summer Lines

Posted by: H and S

Sep 25, 2007

Hello, Voyeurwebbers!<br /><br />After some recess time, we are preparing some new shots of "H&S! 2007 Edition". You can believe me, she's hotter than ever. It's incredible how women get hot as time pass. I couldn't imagine how hot she will be when reach the 30's.<br /><br />Well, while we made the new set of photos, we'll share some pics of last summer for the Tanline contest. We have to manage with the seasonal themes, cos' they don't match with the climate conditions we have here in southern hemisphere... But it doesn't matter, the important thing is to show H&S! for you. <br /><br />Hope you like!<br /><br />Kisses & Hugs,<br />H&S! and T.

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