Cynthia K Aloha Mr. Hand!

Posted by: Cynthia K.

Oct 7, 2003

Halloween is absolute favoritest holiday! In fact, I think I like it better than Xmas or even my own b-day! When I was younger, I always enjoyed playing dress-up, and in my house with my parents crazy strict rules, it was the only time of the year I could get away with wearing something risque, revealing or along the lines of what my usually deemed unacceptable behavior for a lady. Now that I am at university, I finally have the option to dress however I want (and lord knows I have taken advantage of that in my photos, videos, contributions to voyeurweb and my own website). But most of the time I am much too nervous to ever wear something along those 'forbidden' lines out in a public setting. Now that Halloween is almost here I am excited to wear something cute and kind of sexy this year. I got this outfit today at my local thrift store and after seeing these shots, I think it will work out nicely for a dance I am going to that night. Feedback is appreciated!

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